The credit union is committed to sustainable development in a fashion that can be demonstrated to both internal and external stakeholders. We take pride in the investments that we continue to make in our communities, knowing that our efforts regarding our social charter and sustainable development of St. Vincent and the Grenadines is epitomized. Our vision is to ensure that our members achieve greater equity thereby improving the standards of living of our membership. This in turn fosters sustainable communities that focus on the development of Vincentians at all levels.
Our organization works along with many local partners and stakeholders to fulfill our social charter to the communities in which we operate. Through funding for school sponsored co-operative initiatives, youth summer programs, grassroots sporting events and other cultural and educational events, GECCU is ensuring that the continuity of the movement is on a solid footing.
School’s co-operatives provide opportunities for children to save and to acquire skills essential to their role as members. The Co-operative Department in the Ministry of National Mobilization is responsible for the School’s Co-operative Program and GECCU in partnership with this department has sponsored a total of 29 School Co-operatives across St. Vincent and the Grenadines as it helps to foster financial prudence among students. The objectives of school cooperatives include:
GECCU remains committed to the holistic development of young people in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Through initiatives such as the Youth Leadership Symposium, GECCU scholarship holders are exposed to the cooperative principles which helps to promote continuity in the movement and ensures that the credit union remains relevant to young people. It teaches these future leaders the values and principles of the credit union and how their voices matter for the future development of the movement.