Consumer Loans

Interest Rate: 12% per annum

Loans may be granted to defray medical expenses for a short period until insurance claims are paid.

  • Referral Letter from Doctor
  • Proposal
  • Invoice / Statement showing amount owed
  • Proposal
  • Invoice from Supplier

The maximum repayment period for travel is thirty-six(36) months.

  • Itinerary
  • Approved Vacation Leave
  • Copy of Invitation
  • Invoice from Funeral Home
  • Only members can qualify for loans
  • Members must have the minimum share requirement.
  • A six month minimum period of membership with regular payments is required before a loan can be granted. However, consideration would be given to new members with an established ability to service the loan, meet the eligibility requirements and if necessary adequate security or manageable exposure.
  • Lien on Shares Deposits
  • Co-Makers – members signing on behalf of others (by using their Shares, Deposit or Fixed Deposit)
  • Bills of Sale with comprehensive insurance policy
  • Land Title

GECCU Mortgage and Loan Calculator

Period Payment Interest Balance

Calculator Disclaimer

The repayment amount shown using this calculator is an estimate, based on information you have provided. It is provided for illustrative purposes only and actual repayment amounts may vary. To find out actual repayment amounts, contact us. This calculation does not constitute a quote, loan approval, agreement, or advice by GECCU LTD. It does not take into account your personal or financial circumstances.